To ensure your linen garments last long and have a successful life, you must correctly look after them. For that, you will need to know only couple of care instructions, as it is easy to look after linen.
Hand washing - submerge linen into a clean sink filled with lukewarm water and add a pinch of mild detergent. Leave it soak for about 10 minutes and then use gentle swishing motions. Do not twist or scrub the cloth. Once done, rinse the garment in a clean water until soap-free.
Machine washing - it goes without saying – whites, colours and darks – should be washed in separate batches to avoid any potential colour bleeding. If possible, do a separate load only for linen. Choose a gentle cycle where water is lukewarm or cold and add a dash of detergent. Once cycle is finished immediately remove the clothes from the machine to avoid any added creasing.
Drying - you can use tumble dryer, but you need to follow two rules. Choose cool temperature and remove garments while they are still damp to avoid over-drying, as it can make linen stiff. If you don’t use the tumble dryer, just straighten the garment, and hang out to dry.
Ironing - moisture and steam are your best friends. If possible, set your iron on a linen setting and iron while the garment is still damp. If your garment has dried completely, spray some water and add steam while ironing.
Shrinkage - linen tends to shrink, at least after first few washes. On average, linen can shrink up to five percent. Do not wash or dry linen on a hot setting, as it will cause shrinkage.
Embrace the natural texture and relaxed nature of linen and you will be rewarded with a beautiful garment for years.